Vault and Puzzle Mode

When implementing this update there where many challenges. The first was rendering the new "draggable spots" on the screen to show which cells the player could and couldn't drag. I ended up extending the cell renderer to use the same DMII techniques to render the draggable spots.

Next I was able to take implement some extra state logic into level properties and the level editor to enable and disable certain UI based on the play state. Each state followed some pretty simple rules.

Edit Mode - Can place anywhere/ Dragging disabled

Puzzle Mode - Can't place anywhere/ Dragging enabled on draggable spots

Vault Mode - Can place in any non-draggable spots/ Dragging disabled

To get dragging working I simply remove the cell from the cell grid while the user is dragging it, and render a fake cell on top of the users cursor. Then when the user drops the cell onto the cell grid the cell can be placed in its' new spot.  As a quality of life feature, if you drop a cell on top of another cell they'll switch places. This was very easy to implement.


Cell Machine 27 MB
Version B1.2.0 Apr 16, 2023
Cell Machine 33 MB
Version B1.2.0 Apr 16, 2023
Cell Machine 33 MB
Version B1.2.0 Apr 16, 2023

Get Cell Machine: Indev

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IAMTHEPICKLE do not buy this version, new versions can be bought here:

It’s all the same version of Indev, there aren’t separate versions to buy

But I did not get the update.

Or it auto updates whenever

New updates have to be manually downloaded for the time being. Updates will always be free though!

Ok, Thank you but one more thing, my cell machine will not open for some weird reason, I tried uninstalling it but nothing happened.  Idk if it is a bug or my stupid laptop is bad.

Does the update need to be purchased too?

If you want Indev, that $5 is separate from buying CMMM v4, but this particular update is just a free part of Indev. If you buy Indev, you get all future updates.